FreeBSD from Scratch Stage1でZFSを使う

at own your risk:-)

# $Id$
# vim: set ft=sh:

# Root mount point where you create the new system. Because it is only
# used as a mount point, no space will be used on that file system as all
# files are of course written to the mounted file system(s).
DESTZONE="`date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M"`"

# Where your src tree is.

# Where your obj is.

# Your kernel config name as from make buildkernel KERNCONF=...

# Your target architecture as used for make buildworld TARGET=...
# If you did not specify a TARGET when building world, it defaulted
# to the build architecture (run "uname -m" to find out if you are unsure).
TARGET="amd64"  # amd64 arm i386 ia64 mips pc98 powerpc sparc64 sun4v

# Available time zones are those under /usr/share/zoneinfo.

# The create_file_systems function must create the mountpoints under
# DESTDIR, create the file systems, and then mount them under DESTDIR.
create_file_systems () {
  zfs create                                               ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}
  zfs create                                               ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/system
  zfs create -o compression=on   -o exec=on  -o setuid=off ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/tmp
  zfs create                                               ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/usr
  zfs create                                               ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var
  zfs create -o compression=lzjb -o exec=off -o setuid=off ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/crash
  zfs create                     -o exec=off -o setuid=off ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/db
  zfs create -o compression=lzjb -o exec=on  -o setuid=off ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/db/pkg
  zfs create                     -o exec=off -o setuid=off ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/empty
  zfs create -o compression=lzjb -o exec=off -o setuid=off ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/log
  zfs create -o compression=lzjb -o exec=off -o setuid=off ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/mail
  zfs create                                               ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/run
  zfs create -o compression=lzjb -o exec=on  -o setuid=off ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/tmp

  zfs set quota=8g ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}

  zpool set bootfs=${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/system zroot

  mkdir ${DESTDIR}
  mount -t zfs ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/system ${DESTDIR}
  mkdir ${DESTDIR}/usr
  mount -t zfs ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/usr ${DESTDIR}/usr
  mkdir ${DESTDIR}/var
  mount -t zfs ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var ${DESTDIR}/var
  mkdir ${DESTDIR}/var/crash
  mount -t zfs ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/crash ${DESTDIR}/var/crash
  mkdir ${DESTDIR}/var/db
  mount -t zfs ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/db ${DESTDIR}/var/db
  mkdir ${DESTDIR}/var/db/pkg
  mount -t zfs ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/db/pkg ${DESTDIR}/var/db/pkg
  mkdir ${DESTDIR}/var/empty
  mount -t zfs ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/empty ${DESTDIR}/var/empty
  mkdir ${DESTDIR}/var/log
  mount -t zfs ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/log ${DESTDIR}/var/log
  mkdir ${DESTDIR}/var/mail
  mount -t zfs ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/mail ${DESTDIR}/var/mail
  mkdir ${DESTDIR}/var/run
  mount -t zfs ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/run ${DESTDIR}/var/run
  mkdir ${DESTDIR}/var/tmp
  mount -t zfs ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/tmp ${DESTDIR}/var/tmp
  chmod 1777 ${DESTDIR}/var/tmp
  mkdir ${DESTDIR}/tmp
  mount -t zfs ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/tmp ${DESTDIR}/tmp
  chmod 1777 ${DESTDIR}/tmp

  mkdir ${DESTDIR}/usr/ports
  mkdir ${DESTDIR}/home
  mkdir ${DESTDIR}/export

# The create_etc_fstab function must create an fstab matching the
# file systems created in create_file_systems.
create_etc_fstab () {
  cat <<EOF >${DESTDIR}/etc/fstab
# Device				Mountpoint		FStype	Options	Dump	Pass#
/dev/gpt/swap0				none			swap	sw	0	0
/dev/gpt/swap1				none			swap	sw	0	0
/dev/gpt/swap2				none			swap	sw	0	0
/dev/gpt/swap3				none			swap	sw	0	0
${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/system		/			zfs	rw	0	0
${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/usr		/usr			zfs	rw	0	0
zroot/src				/usr/src		zfs	rw	0	0
zroot/obj				/usr/obj		zfs	rw	0	0
zroot/ports				/usr/ports		zfs	rw	0	0
zroot/ports/distfiles			/usr/ports/distfiles	zfs	rw	0	0
zroot/ports/packages			/usr/ports/packages	zfs	rw	0	0
${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var		/var			zfs	rw	0	0
${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/crash	/var/crash		zfs	rw	0	0
${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/db		/var/db			zfs	rw	0	0
${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/db/pkg	/var/db/pkg		zfs	rw	0	0
${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/empty	/var/empty		zfs	ro	0	0
${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/log		/var/log		zfs	rw	0	0
${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/mail	/var/mail		zfs	rw	0	0
${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/run		/var/run		zfs	rw	0	0
${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/tmp		/var/tmp		zfs	rw	0	0
${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/tmp		/tmp			zfs	rw	0	0
zroot/home				/home			zfs	rw	0	0
zroot/export				/export			zfs	rw	0	0
  chmod 644 ${DESTDIR}/etc/fstab
  chown root:wheel ${DESTDIR}/etc/fstab

# The copy_files function is used to copy files before mergemaster is run.
copy_files () {
  # Add or remove from this list at your discretion. Mostly mandatory.
  for f in \
    /etc/csh.cshrc \
    /etc/exports \
    /etc/group \
    /etc/fstab.* \
    /etc/hosts \
    /etc/make.conf \
    /etc/make.conf.ports \
    /etc/make.conf.ports.knob \
    /etc/ \
    /etc/make.conf.src \
    /etc/master.passwd \
    /etc/mergemaster.rc \
    /etc/motd \
    /etc/my.cnf \
    /etc/netconfig \
    /etc/newsyslog.conf \
    /etc/nsswitch.conf \
    /etc/ntp.conf \
    /etc/periodic.conf \
    /etc/portsnap.conf \
    /etc/profile \
    /etc/rc.conf \
    /etc/rc.conf.local \
    /etc/resolv.conf \
    /etc/src.conf \
    /etc/sysctl.conf \
    /etc/syslog.conf \
    /etc/ttys \
    /etc/mail/aliases \
    /etc/mail/aliases.db \
    /etc/mail/mailer.conf \
    /etc/ssh/*key* \
    /etc/ssh/*_config \
    /var/cron/allow \
    /var/cron/tabs/* \
    /root/.tcshrc \
    /root/.cshrc \
    /root/.login \
    /root/.profile \
    /boot/device.hints \
    /boot/loader.conf \
    /usr/local/etc/ezjail.conf \
    /usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf \
    /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf \
    /usr/local/etc/pkgtools.conf \
    /usr/local/etc/smartd.conf \
    /usr/local/etc/sudoers \
    /usr/local/etc/syslog-ng.conf \
    /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf \
    /usr/local/etc/smb.conf \
    /usr/local/etc/ldap.conf \
    /usr/local/etc/nss_ldap.conf \
    /usr/local/etc/pam.d/samba \
    /usr/local/etc/openldap/ldap.conf \
    /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf \
    /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema \
    /usr/local/etc/postfix/ \
    /usr/local/etc/postfix/isp_passwd \
    /usr/local/etc/postfix/isp_passwd.db \
    /usr/local/etc/mediatomb/config.xml \
    if test -e ${f}; then
      d=`echo ${f} | sed -e 's@\(/.*/\).*@\1@'`
      if test ! -d ${DESTDIR}${d}; then
        mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${d}
      cp -a ${f} ${DESTDIR}${f}

  for d in \
    /usr/local/etc/apache22/local \
    /usr/local/etc/ezjail \
    /usr/local/etc/samba ;
    if test -d ${d}; then
      cp -a ${d} ${DESTDIR}${d}

  sed -e '/^vfs\.root\.mountfrom=.*$/d' /boot/loader.conf > ${DESTDIR}/boot/loader.conf
  echo vfs.root.mountfrom="zfs:${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/system" >> ${DESTDIR}/boot/loader.conf

# Everything else you want to tune in the new system.
# NOTE: Do not install too many binaries here. With the old system running and
# the new binaries and headers installed you are likely to run into bootstrap
# problems. Ports should be compiled after you have booted in the new system.
all_remaining_customization () {
  zfs set readonly=on ${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/var/empty

  zpool set bootfs=${DESTPOOL}/${DESTZONE}/system zroot

  cp /boot/zfs/zpool.cache ${DESTDIR}/boot/zfs/zpool.cache
